Writing – it’s not negotiable anymore.
Every teacher in every content area, and every student is affected by Academic State Standards which emphasize writing significantly more than ever before. The Write Tools training and coaching equip teachers with the necessary skills to implement a school- or district-wide approach to writing instruction that is clearly aligned to meet Academic Standards.
The Write Tools is dedicated to in-depth professional development and ongoing coaching.
We have designed our materials to be used in conjunction with our training workshops and coaching. The Write Tools’ strategies will yield powerful results, but only if teachers know how to use them, when to use them, and are provided the opportunity to practice using them initially through in-depth training sessions, and later with a caring coach to provide constructive and insightful feedback.
Our strategies are designed to unlock the potential of your current writing program. Our training and coaching combines engaging workshops with follow-up demonstration lessons, coaching, and grade-level meetings to provide the in-depth staff development that will make your school the leader in writing instruction.
The Write Tools specializes in providing training and coaching customized to fit your needs.
Effective professional development involves in-depth, on-going training combined with on-site coaching, grade-level meetings, and demonstration lessons. The Write Tools wants to build on-going relationships with schools and districts to offer this type of successful professional development. To that end, we offer layers of training that can be customized to fit your school or district needs.
Following is an Example of a Three-year roll out Plan for Grades K-5:
Year 1
3 or 4 days of Informative/Explanatory Training, including 1 optional day specifically for Primary/Level 1 Teachers.
3 two-day follow up coaching sessions, usually scheduled every 6-8 weeks that will focus on:
- Grade Level Meetings
- Demonstration Lessons—led by trainer, and later teacher led
- Assessment
Additional Support
2 hour Administrator Training
2 hour Parent Presentation (these are scheduled while our trainers are in town, often after school or in the evening.
Year 2
3 days of training including 2 days of Narrative Training, and 1 day of Responding to Literature training, customized for Elementary audiences.
3 two-day follow up coaching sessions, usually scheduled every 6-8 weeks that will focus on:
- Grade Level Meetings
- Demonstration Lessons—led by trainer, and later teacher led
- Assessment
Year 3
2 days of Opinion/Argumentation Training customized for Elementary audiences with 1 day focused on Opinion writing and 1 day on Research Papers and Projects.
3 two-day follow up coaching sessions, usually scheduled every 6-8 weeks that will focus on:
- Grade Level Meetings
- Demonstration Lessons—led by trainer, and later teacher led
- Assessment
Following is an Example of a Three-year Roll Out Plan for Grades 6-12:
Year 1
3 days of Informative/Explanatory Training, customized for Middle School, and High School audiences.
3 two-day follow up coaching days, usually scheduled every 6-8 weeks that will focus on:
- Grade Level and Content Area Meetings
- Demonstration Lessons—trainer and later teacher led
- Assessment
Additional Support
2 hour Administrator Training
2 hour Parent Presentation (these are scheduled while our trainers are in town, often after school or in the evening.
Year 2
2 days of Opinion/Argumentation Training customized for Middle School, and High School audiences with 1 day of Argumentation training and 1 day of in-depth training in Research Papers and Reports.
3 two-day follow up coaching days, usually scheduled every 6-8 weeks that will focus on:
- Grade Level and Content Area Meetings
- Demonstration Lessons—led by trainer, and later teacher led
- Assessment
Year 3
3 days of training with 2 days of Narrative Training, customized for Middle School, and High School audiences, and 1 day of in-depth training in Responding to Literature.
3 two-day follow up coaching days, usually scheduled every 6-8 weeks that will focus on:
- Grade Level and Content Area Meetings
- Demonstration Lessons-led by trainer, and later teacher led
- Assessment
Learn more about our Coaching:
Onsite coaching goes hand in hand with training, offering long-term support that yields sustainable results. Coaching sessions are customized to fit your specific needs and often include:
- Grade Level and Content Area Meetings
- Classroom Demonstration Lessons – first led by TWT trainer, and later teacher led
- Overview of Assessment Strategies
Feel confident knowing that all coaching is done onsite by a TWT trainer who has spent years applying The Write Tools’ strategies in their own classroom.
Partner with us to provide the missing piece to your literacy instruction — a strong writing program.
The Write Tools has helped schools around the nation improve their writing instruction, increase student engagement, and improve test scores with Consistent, Systematic, Explicit Writing Instruction that includes Common Language, Common Strategies, and a Common Vision.
Contact The Write Tools at 303-221-5301 or training@thewritetools.net to find out how we can partner with you to take your writing instruction to the next level.